Original article / research
Comparative Study of Cord Blood Nucleated Red Blood Cell Count in Asphyxiated and Non Asphyxiated Babies at Birth in a Tertiary Health Centre
Sambedna, Amit Kumar, Rita chakore
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

OO01 - OO05 |
Case report
A Case of Neonatal Hypertension with Chronic Kidney Disease Presenting as Anasarca, Hypoalbuminemia and Pulmonary Bleed
Srijan Singh
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

PC01 - PC03 |
Original article / research
Sonographic Assessment of Fetal Cephalic Index among the Population of Western UP: A Prospective Observational Studymorphometry
Nandkishor Gupta, Neeshu Bala, Nitya Nand Srivastava, Kailash Mittal
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

PO01 - PO06 |
Original article / research
Renal Functions in Relation to Severity of Perinatal Asphyxia in Term Neonates
Dinesh Kumar, Mukesh Vir Singh, Niraj Kumar, Durgesh Kumar, Krishan Mohan Shukla, Kalbe Jawad
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

PO07 - PO11 |
Original article / research
An Audit of Antibiotic Usage among Neonates in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Prospective Observational Study
Saikiran Deshabhotla, Rajshekar Sigilipelli, Baswaraj Tandur
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

PO12 - PO16 |
Original article / research
Perinatal Factors Associated with Spontaneous Regression of Retinopathy of Prematurity– One Year Experience from a Tertiary Care Hospital
P Kumar, K S Kumaravel, D Satheeshkumar, S Gobinathan, P Sampathkumar, K Velmurugan
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

PO17 - PO22 |
Original article / research
Comparison of Transcutaneous Bilirubin with Serum Bilirubin in a Tertiary Care Newborn Unit- A Cross-Sectional Study
Maruthi Prasad Upputuri, Satnam Kaur, Sugandha Arya, Harish Chellani
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

PO23 - PO26 |
Original article / research
A Prospective Study to Assess the Predictors of Neonatal Mortality among very Low Birth Weight Neonates in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Teaching Hospital of Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
Nagendra Bagri, Ram Kumar Panika, Vikas Gupta, Inder K Nathani
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

PO27 - PO32 |
Original article / research
Gastroschisis Repair Technique using Autologous Umbilical Cord Flap in a Resource Limited Setup: Case Series
Dileep Garg, Vinay Mathur, Umesh Bahadur Singh, Jitendra Grover
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

PS01 - PS04 |