Preface to the First Issue
Dr Hemant Jain
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

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Case report
Congenital Epulis: Case Report
and Literature Review
Rema Nagpal, Pradeep Suryawanshi, Nandini Malshe, Alok Godse, Vijay Kalra
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

18 - 20 |
Original article / research
A Clinical Study of Respiratory Distress In Newborn and its Outcome
Santosh S, Kushal kumar K, Adarsha Eay
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

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Original article / research
The “Great Imitator’’-Congenital Syphillis
Aremu Ademola Adegoke
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

5 - 7 |
Original article / research
Pathogenesis of Metabolic Acidosis in Preterm Infants
Christopher Geoffrey Alexander Aikenay
] | [ FULL TEXT ]

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