Year :2023
Month :
Volume :
Issue :
Page :
PC01 - PC02
COVID-19 in a Newborn Caught on Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Case Report
Correspondence Address :
Krishna Kiran Somashekar Karanth, BK Praveen, Aysha N Abna, Dr. Krishna Kiran Somashekar Karanth,
Radiologist, Department of Radiodiagnosis, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore-575002, Karnataka, India.
E-mail: drkrishnakiran@gmail.com
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) remains a global public health threat. It is generally believed that children, especially neonates, are relatively spared from the disastrous effects of COVID-19 compared to adults. Most symptomatic children experience only mild respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms. Central Nervous System (CNS) complications in COVID-19 are unusual in children and neonates. In this report, the authors present the case of a five-day-old COVID-19 positive neonate who presented with convulsions and tachypnoea. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) findings suggested a cytotoxic oedematous pattern. This child made a complete recovery after receiving appropriate management. There is limited data available regarding COVID-19 in neonates, and only a few similar cases of neonatal involvement have been described in the literature. The aim of this report is to highlight the unusual imaging manifestations of COVID-19 in a neonate.