Year :2018
Month :
Volume :
Issue :
Page :
PC01 - PC03
Spontaneous Jejunal Perforation in a Term Neonate: Case Report
Correspondence Address :
Laxman Basany, Roja Aepala, Madhu Mohan Reddy, Dr. Laxman Basany,
H No: 6-2-161and162, Kakaji Colony, Hanamkonda
Chorasta, Warangal Urban Dt, Hanamkonda,
Telangana-506001, India.
E-mail: laxmanbasani@yahoo.co.in
Spontaneous Intestinal Perforation (SIP) of the newborn is usually a focal intestinal perforation typically found at the terminal ileum occurring primarily in preterm and very low birth weight babies. Few cases of SIP involving the jejunum are reported in the literature. We report a case of spontaneous jejunal perforation in a four-dayold term neonate who underwent successful surgical intervention.